Steam Mindset

 Hellow everyone, welcome back to my blog of course with a discussion of various interesting materials. Then in this discussion we will discuss what  Steam Mindset is and what it is? let's see

An educational catalyst, STEAM is a mentality of self-motivation, thinking, energizing, adventure, and making. 

STEAM MINDSET= It creates the foundation for the abilities required to approach the curriculum with assurance, capacity, and competence.

Theories ignite our thinking. Research provides credibility to a theory. But practical explanations and instructions guide everyday practice. A mindset is a perception a person holds about himself or herself. It is the person’s frame of reference. Carol Dweck suggests that a person’s ability to learn isfluid, not fixed (Dweck, 2007, 2016)

Steam Attributes 

Self-Starter, Self-Driven, and Self-Motivated

Acknowledge your value. Having faith in oneself. Maintain a conscious state of being. an objective. Set objectives.

Become the leader. Construct strategies. Make a synthesis of your ideas. Obtain assistance, make connections, communicate, endure, and grasp an opportunity. Be self-reliant. Create your own narrative.

Consider adopting technology.

thinking, decision-making, critical thinking, inventive thinking, creative thinking, and design thinking.

Utilize your skills. Use your resources. Employ technology. Be a questioner and a problem-solver. Possess a keen, inquisitive mindset. Apply your knowledge to fresh circumstances in school and in the "real" world. Consider what you've learned and utilize that reflection to create new knowledge.


Engage. Activate those around you. Smile. Be a force for good. cultivate connections. Be a group.

constructor; moral individual. Encourage others. Be a kind person. Embrace interdisciplinary study.



Be genuine and attentive. Be an explorer; go on adventures; look into things; try things. Actively study, take calculated risks, take action, analyze it, and evaluate yourself while being resourceful.


Be inspired. Have a purpose that matters. Use generative learning, mastery learning, design thinking, and tinkering. Engineer. Authorship. Contribute your skills. Let others see your effort and your behaviors.Make your voice heard

so what about the discussion this time it's interesting isn't it. I hope you are satisfied with the explanation of the discussion this time. Thank you and see you.


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