Lets introduce what a transition is a transition or change in conditions or circumstances or location from one place or time to another. Transition can also be a change in terms of age. This occurs in living creatures such as animals and humans .
Transition in humans.
We as humans experience a transition period or what we usually call puberty, this puberty period is a very important period where humans experience the transition from child to teenager or adult, at this time humans' physicality begins to experience quite drastic changes, as well as their thinking patterns too. also experienced change, but the weakness at this time was that a feeling of rebellion began to emerge and he thought he was always right.
Sumber: Buku Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam 6/Umi Habibah, tahun 2010 dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam/Ari Pitoyo, Sri Purwaningtyas, tahun 2010)
During puberty to adolescence, they tend to have a high sense of curiosity and experience exploring new things. Then when they experience the transition to adulthood, humans tend to have mature thoughts, unlike teenagers who are still less stable. And in the last period, namely old age, at this time they have experienced menopause and their characteristics return to being like children.
Cultural transitions.
Cultural transitions occur due to changes in a period or era, for example there is a transition from traditional to modern, for example in the past humans communicated with each other using letters, but as times change, humans have become more modern and the invention of gadgets means it is more practical to send news directly and can be heard. voice and face to face online
The conclusion from this transition is very meaningful because with the transition we can upgrade and see the existing changes.
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