Life in the past

 Hello everyone, welcome to my blog, this time we will discuss life in the past, let's look at it together.

Life in the past.

Humans must experience what is called life and the change of time, life in the past is clearly different from the present, life in the past could have been passed by us ourselves or even just a history that we have never known but know that it existed at that time. Life in the past is often associated with history, for example human life before independence in Indonesia, where at that time there was colonization of Indonesia by foreign countries, people's lives were clearly different from today's more modern times and in the past they still used traditional tools. However, we have experienced life in the past, for example in the 2000s generation, there was something called changing the shape of a telephone or even childhood birthdays.

It can be concluded that life in the past clearly had a certain meaning for those who experienced it or could become new knowledge, so we need to document several important things in the past or present because it is possible that they will be valuable in the future


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