What we often hear about luxury is of course the definition of luxury, namely rich or always related to possessions or wealth, but the word luxury can be defined as something that is excessive, or too beautiful. Luxury in particular is often related to a person's lifestyle which is considered a lifestyle that involves spending money and buying things that are considered exclusive.
examples of luxury goods such as Hermes bags, houses in elite housing, salmon
Kind of luxury
-Quiet luxury brands are high-end brands that emphasize high standards and elegant, non-collapsible designs.
-In contrast to quiet luxury, which emphasizes quality and eye-catching design, loud luxury emphasizes attention-grabbing design and eye-catching design.
However, luxury is now not only based on goods, but people have their own standards of luxury. It can be concluded that luxury is not always related to something that we consider like gold, but luxury can also be food where we feel that the food we eat tastes ordinary but according to other people it is something luxurious and expensive.
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