Designing Classroom Language Tests
Hellow everyone, welcome back to my blog of course with a discussion of various interesting materials. Then in this discussion we will discuss what is Designing Classroom Language Tests and what it is? let's see
Designing Classroom Language Tests
language learning, where in the language learning process of course there are
tests, in language there is a need for tests, where tests in language classes
are a form of measuring our or students' ability to find out how much their
ability is in language which includes the ability to listen, speak, read as
well as writing skills. However, there needs to be a good design so that it is
easier for us to know our abilities.
Source =
Language exams are based
on targets, or whatever skills or material components are utilized as the
emphasis to measure the level of proficiency, according to Djiwandono
(2008:114–134). However, there are other types of tests:
• aptitude test,
• proficiency tests,
• placement tests,
diagnostic tests, and
When creating tests, the following fundamental
factors need to be taken into account(Zainul, Asmawi dan Noehi Nasution.
1. The performance that is being measured is a
worthwhile activity
2. Performance reviews are beneficial as a learning opportunity
3. Goal and objective statements need to be precise and connected to the
quantifiable performance outcome.
4. Assessment does not quantify unwanted and exogenous elements.
It can be concluded that this design
is really needed in language tests, but in designing it it is not arbitrary,
there needs to be things that are taken into account and considered, including
in the categorization of language tests.
Duolingo Meeting 5 (Part1 Unit4-5)
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